Saturday, October 16, 2010

Arrived in Kemerovo

We arrived today in Kemerovo! We left Moscow last night at 11:45pm and got into Kemerovo around 7am ( lose 4 hrs). So we are now 12 hours ahead of NE.

I made a huge mistake yesterday and fried our converter! I plugged my travel hair dryer into it and it began smoking. So we are without one now. I had no clue I couldn't use it. Come to find out from Denise hair dryers can be like that and you have to be careful. She didn't know either until a friend told her. We bought an adapter in the airport, which is just for laptops. We spent $90 on it and of course it doesn't work for netbooks. UGH... Mark and Andrea were nice enough to buy one for us in CO and looked into shipping and it was way high... So Rich and I spent today in Kemerovo going around to different shops. They all have the adapters (which we bought) but nothing we need. So it looks like we will rely on the couple we are traveling with to charge and hope we can find one eventually.

We found the Walmartski here (nickname American's use, it's like a WM). We bought tons of pop and water and some snacks. So when we were checking out the girl didn't bag the items, so I took a bag from behind us and she started yelling at us. Turns out you have to pay for the bags, wish we would have known that! That would have been a helpful tip!!! Now we know!
I bought a cheap hair dryer that doesn't need to be converted!

We go to see Maddux tomorrow and we are super excited to see how he has grown!!! :)

Oh our hotel is nice, it's small only has like 9 rooms. It is run by these nice ladies, they made breakfast for us and it was really good. We like the place so far.

We go to court on Tuesday and were prepped some on it. Turns out Rich does most of the talking, which is fine with me! Seems to be that way for some things. In our Dr's appt they asked what he did for a living but didn't even look at me to ask the question. I guess they thought I did nothing!

Well that is it for now. Will post again tomorrow with our Maddux update!!

Bye from Siberia!


1 comment:

  1. Rich and Jenny ...great to hear from you, so happy everything is going well. Not sure if this message will go thru. I tried to send one another time and it deleted itself. Weather here at home has been beautiful...sunny warm days and cool nights. Your mom has been doing alot of dogsitting and all animals are doing well. I sure hope Maddux likes animals, he maybe a bit overwhelmed at first. I went with your mom one night and they could not stop barking at me. They just don't like me. Enjoy the adventure and waiting to hear more. Terri and the reckers


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