Monday, September 13, 2010

Unreal! Dossier needs to be returned to us!

Well we were so happy to have finally shipped our dossier off Friday after all of the corrections and updates our state department had me go after. The NE State depts did forms wrong which I had to go and have them correct.

So Rich and I copied everything and sent it in to our agency. Rich gets a call from the state today letting him know that all of the apostilled pages they did were WRONG!!! They had a glitch in their machine and it wasn't printing the year on them. Just has Sept 9th. That is a huge issue and will have to be redone.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I tell you we have had more problems with this stuff.

We are going to have the dossier shipped back to us and I will have to go down to Lincoln again to get the new forms. I swear it's always something.

I guess it could be worse and our dossier could have gone to Russia wrong.


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there....hoping you get the dossier back quickly and can get it fixed and shipped off to Russia!!!


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