Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goodbye Grandma Barbie

My Granny, as I always called her, passed away last week. She was 93, she lived a good, long life but it's always sad to say goodbye. I am very glad Maddux got to meet her a few times. We never did get a good picture of them, but have a few that came out ok which I will post.

I have so many good memories of my Grandma, I was very close to her growing up. I loved going to my GM and GP house when I was young. She would give me big bottles of Pepsi. I claim now that she started my Diet Pepsi addiction! :) She was the best cook too, no one can make cheese roll like she could (although Terri has almost mastered it). She had the best stew, gravy, and baked goods! I will always remember our family holidays and all of the food and all of the family gathered together.
I remember staying up late and watching tv when GP would go to bed. One night the movie "What's Up Doc" played and we laughed until we cried. I have a poster downstairs of that movie, it's a nice memory. And of course there were the yearly festivals! She lived right across the street from the church so we would stay all day and go back and forth. What fun times!
In later years we would go to KFC for lunch and I would stay over. GM was always there to talk too and would pray for me in my tough times. She would cry with me when I was sad or upset. She will be missed greatly but I still have all of my memories and know we will see each other again. I take comfort that she is now with my GP and George and my father. And I hope they are having a good time up there, laughing and doing things they couldn't at the end here on earth!

Goodbye for now Granny, until we meet again...



  1. Jenny, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. She sounds like a great lady. And very cool that she got to meet Maddux. My grandma passed away when I was a teenager and it always makes me sad that she didn't get to meet my kids - she would have loved them like crazy.

  2. I am so sorry to here about your Grandmother. Grandparent's are such a positive force in your life. I am glad Maddux got to meet her.

  3. I am so sorry- I know how hard that is. Your GM reminds me of my Gram!
    Praying you and your family will find God's peace and comfort in your mourning! Rejoice in her home-bound journey to Heaven! Thank you Father that it doesn't end here on earth!


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