Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pharmacy Adventures

Today is rainy and kind of cold here.
The Dr. came and evaluated Maddux. He has a perforation in his ear drum. We suspected that due to the fluid coming from it. We asked in Kemerovo and were told to wait until our Dr. visit. We looked it all up on internet and suspected a perforation. It doesn't hurt him now so that is good. He just had an ear infection in the orphanage that wasn't properly taken care of. Anyway he is just on anti-biotics for it and will heal. He also has a cold so was prescribed some nasal sprays and cough meds. Amoxicilin (sp?) and all meds was over the counter here.
Besides that the Dr. said he was a healthy boy! We were glad to hear that!

So we asked where the nearest pharmacy was and told it was close. Well we got lost and kept making our way back to Red Square somehow. Good thing is Red Square is just 5 min from our hotel, it's super close. We just kept wandering for about an hour and finally found a pharmacy (not the one we were looking for, but it worked). Afterwards, we ate at a McDonald's. It was SOOOOOOOO good! Normally I don't eat it but man was it tasty! Maddux loves fries now, at first he wouldn't eat them but that all changed today! He is a big fan!

So we were heading back to hotel and low and behold there was the pharmacy, like 1 min from our hotel. We aren't sure how we missed it and walked right past it!!!!!

It's the holiday's here so people were out and about today...

Loving our hotel!!! Bed is so comfy!

Well that is it for now! Hoping tomorrow is nice so we can go explore!


PS posting a pic of Maddux, he is missing NE!!! Of course he got tons of juice on his shirt, but oh well...


  1. Can't wait for us to get to Moscow so I can have some Mcdonalds. I have been craving a cheesburger. I am glad things are going well...

  2. Maddux, looks like a happy camper, even with a cold. Have fun in Moscow, there is so much to see, and do. I am Jealous!!! Also thank you for your kind words.


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